Posts in category milkymist

Acryllic Milkymist One Case

since lasering an early prototype in plywood for the Milkymist One interactive VJ Station i've been busy:

adding labels, modifying the mechanical concept and sourcing some really nice looking acrylic materials, as well as some metal spacers.

i just finished the first complete acryllic one and it looks really neat.

actually its much more wine-red than the cam photo.

according to i think the correct color is: 'purple, plum, magenta, maroon'

i got it labeled as'violet, transparent'.

the next one will be something more blue.

if everything goes as planned, i will have some of these on the 27C3.

please contact me* before, if you already know you want one, so i can plan ahead.

ps: do you want wooden ones as well?

* = send mail to