Posts in category cnc umbau

so mal wieder ein bisschen aufraeumen. wird umgebaut.

Game figures - Fairytales collection

An old copy of the board-game "Sagaland" has lost its figures over the time and will be a wonderful present with these replacements:

fairytales collection rotkaeppchen aladin froschprinz stadtmusikanten gestiefelterkater burg

Wooden Jewel Case for CDs

Three plywood layers and a leather-binding. To be enhanced with a small magnet to keep the case well shut while it's closed ...

wooden cd jewelcase front wooden cd jewelcase open wooden cd jewelcase closed

Acryllic Milkymist One Case

since lasering an early prototype in plywood for the Milkymist One interactive VJ Station i've been busy:

adding labels, modifying the mechanical concept and sourcing some really nice looking acrylic materials, as well as some metal spacers.

i just finished the first complete acryllic one and it looks really neat.

actually its much more wine-red than the cam photo.

according to i think the correct color is: 'purple, plum, magenta, maroon'

i got it labeled as'violet, transparent'.

the next one will be something more blue.

if everything goes as planned, i will have some of these on the 27C3.

please contact me* before, if you already know you want one, so i can plan ahead.

ps: do you want wooden ones as well?

* = send mail to

usb buttonbox in wood

this is a 'usb keyboard' with 16 buttons

made with vim, avr, qcad and gcc :)

heekscad heekscam 0.14.1svn ubuntu packages /chrome/site/flattrbutton.png

after quite some absence, i've revisited heekcad.

not only due to public demand here at raumfahrtagentur, but also due to the still existing problem of 'using different cad tools will do weird things with my files' - i rebuilt heekscad and heekscnc and its libs.

what changed in the last half year?

  • pycam got replaced by opencam.
  • loads of bugs fixed (seemingly, feels more solid)
  • new features with new bugs added :)
  • a ton of stuff i havent mentioned..

the packages seems to work for me so far, please test and report your experiences.

these are packages for ubuntu karmic (9.10) x86

and for ubuntu lucid (10.04) x86

if you don't know heekscad, take a look at the nice new website

updated: added packages for lucid

the agency now got a physical flattrbutton


first it there suddenly was a stencil...

... and then the leftovers made for a nice real-world flattrbutton :)

Neuer Extruder Kopf

Wir haben einen neuen Extruderkopf fuer unseren RapStrap.

Ein gebrauchter Kopf von einem Shapercube ist heute zusammen mit 4,5kg ABS (weiss) eingetroffen.

Fuer die ABS Rolle kommt aus dem Laser noch eine passende Halterung:


first blood

its lazzoring!

the machine still needs some more alignment. some parts were not lasered through completely and needed some work with the cutter to come out.

put it on thingieverse, gismo!


updated heekscad and heekscnc ubuntu packages

since quite some codechanges happend in the last few months, i built some fresh ubuntu packages.

since we don't have any 8.10 and 9.04 boxes around anymore i will only do 8.04 and 9.10 builds from now on.

get them from

in case you haven't heard of heekscad, take a look

the plugin for generating a cnc toolpath is called heekscnc

  • Posted: 2009-11-20 06:23 (Updated: 2011-12-26 18:51)
  • Author: roh
  • Categories: cnc public
  • Comments (0)


one more sensor:

a true spindle-speed rpm meter, which measures the 'is' and not only displays the 'should'

more details in the wiki: Maschinen/CncFräse/SpindleMeter

  • Posted: 2009-11-18 09:13 (Updated: 2011-12-26 18:52)
  • Author: roh
  • Categories: cnc public
  • Comments (0)

werners conductive probe

this is a video from our fellow hacker werner in argentina who added conductive probing and crash-avoidance to his mill.

  • Posted: 2009-06-20 13:43 (Updated: 2009-06-20 13:48)
  • Author: roh
  • Categories: cnc public
  • Comments (0)

neu: Jog-Box fuer manuelles feinsteppen der fraese


aufgrund des vorhandenseins von guenstigen endlosencodern in der sammlung und der flexibilitiaet von emc2 hal gibt es jetzt feed-override, spindle-override, einen gelben fuer die stepsize und 3 axen zum 'elektronisch direkt anfassen'

die axen pots sind default disabled. dafuer gibts das haeckchen fuer jog rechts in der ui von emc2

  • Posted: 2009-06-17 07:19 (Updated: 2009-06-17 12:15)
  • Author: roh
  • Categories: cnc public
  • Comments (0)