Posts for the month of December 2010

Game figures - Fairytales collection

An old copy of the board-game "Sagaland" has lost its figures over the time and will be a wonderful present with these replacements:

fairytales collection rotkaeppchen aladin froschprinz stadtmusikanten gestiefelterkater burg

Wooden Jewel Case for CDs

Three plywood layers and a leather-binding. To be enhanced with a small magnet to keep the case well shut while it's closed ...

wooden cd jewelcase front wooden cd jewelcase open wooden cd jewelcase closed

Acryllic Milkymist One Case

since lasering an early prototype in plywood for the Milkymist One interactive VJ Station i've been busy:

adding labels, modifying the mechanical concept and sourcing some really nice looking acrylic materials, as well as some metal spacers.

i just finished the first complete acryllic one and it looks really neat.

actually its much more wine-red than the cam photo.

according to i think the correct color is: 'purple, plum, magenta, maroon'

i got it labeled as'violet, transparent'.

the next one will be something more blue.

if everything goes as planned, i will have some of these on the 27C3.

please contact me* before, if you already know you want one, so i can plan ahead.

ps: do you want wooden ones as well?

* = send mail to

Ein Logo fuer die Raumfahrtagentur

Yeah, 2 Jahre im Orbit und eine gigantische Geburtstagsparty spaeter... Wir stehen gerade zwar noch am Kraterrand aber hier schonmal unser schoenstes Geschenk..

Dicker Kuss an Antenne... wir haben ein Logo:

Logo Raumfahrt Agentur

Ein Traum, das ganze Paket mit ganz vielen Raketen, Sticker, Wallpaper und allem was dazu gehoert. Wir werden die naechsten Tage das ganze hier stueckweise einbauen.